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Mockup Academy Class 1: Mockup Basics
Mockup Academy Class 1
Introduction (3:34)
Downloadable Base Photos
1. Basic Concept (1:57)
2. First Mockup in Photoshop (Gift Bag Mockup) (5:04)
3. Working with Circles (Plate Mockup) (6:57)
4. Multiple Artwork Folders (Napkin Mockup) (5:14)
5. Adding Background Colors to Art (Napkin Mockup) (2:51)
6. Adding Shadows and Backgrounds (Napkin Mockup) (8:07)
7. Distorting Artwork (Lunch Bag Mockup) (8:51)
8. Help! It's Not Working! (5:31)
9. Conclusion (1:18)
9. Conclusion
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